Tuesday, January 19, 2010

   I believe that hockey fighting should not be allowed in the NHL.
Players in the NHL are getting hurt way to much more then before to the past years and also too many fights happened  in a game and that's when all the injury happens in the games.what happened to just watch a nice game with all the perry goals scoring by all the super starts, watching the big saves by the goalies when they have to make, and the best thing that is better then fighting in hockey is the shoot out that's when all the magic comes out. That's why we don't need fighting in the NHL we don't need see all the injury we just need to see the magic.

  I believe that hockey fighting should be allowed in the great game of the NHL.
Players in the NHL is all about the scoring, the great save, and the shoot out but what really makes a hockey game fun to watch and excited and how lens will the player make the crowed yelling, roaring the hole place jumping in excitement of the fight that's what a really hockey should be. That's how all the fans come and watch their team play they like to watch the big fight that's happens in the game.


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